I embroidered for eight hours and all I got was….this lion’s rear.

I embroidered for eight hours and all I got was….this lion’s rear.

A while ago--well, probably well over a year ago at this point-- I introduced you guys to the project I am calling the Opus Anglicanum Bag of Doom, or OBOD. This is a gift I'm making for a friend, in my grand tradition of making excessively complicated things for other people, and then taking forever to do [...]

Tiny Human and the Sleeves of Doom

Tiny Human and the Sleeves of Doom

Ok. Where were we. March-ish? Right, well in the intervening time I have: finished all my classwork for my master's, done all of the research AND written up my dissertation, gotten a job (ok, internship, but paid), moved countries (again), and packed most of my reenactment kit into a box that I will see again [...]

Zen and the art of not messing up counted thread embroidery

Zen and the art of not messing up counted thread embroidery

The most common thing I hear when talking to people about my counted thread embroidery obsession is "I can't do that, there's too much counting and looking at charts". And they do have a point-- if you are a person who hates looking up from your work, finding your place in a chart, and looking down again, counted thread might drive you a bit mad. But, there are a number of tricks you can use to make the whole process easier.